Eye, Treatments


Problem/Disease Details Naturopath Medicine Homeopath Medicine Ayurvedic Medicine Chinese Medicine
Amblyopia Amblyopia, also referred to as “lazy eye,” is the most common cause of vision impairment in children green vegetables, almonds, raisins, clarified butter. Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Ruta, Natrum Mur, China, Ammoniacum, Drosera, Merc Sol, Stramonium. Tharpanam N/A
Cataract Cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens and is the leading cause of blindness Alangium salviifolium, Alangium lamarckii, Allium cepa L, Allium sativum L, Caesalpinia digyna, Cassia fistula L, Emilia sonchifolia, Eucalyptus deglupta, Ginkgo biloba L. Cineraria maritima HPUS 5x, Euphrasia (Eyebright) HPUS 6x, Causticum HPUS 8x, Silicea HPUS 11x, Calcarea phosphorica HPUS 11x, Sepia HPUS 6x, Calcarea flourica HPUS 11x. Maha Triphala ghrita, Triphala choorna, Chandrodaya varti. pirenoxine
Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a common complication of diabetes. It is the leading cause of blindness Vegetables, Meat, eggs, nuts, Breads, starch, Fruit. Arg.nit, Physos, Psor, Cimicif, NAT-M. Trikatu churna, chitrakadi, shodhana, shamana of vata. lobata, Panax notoginseng.
Macular Degeneration Its an eye disorder associated with aging and results in damaging sharp and central vision Vegetables, Meat, eggs, nuts, Breads, starch, Fruit. antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc and Selenium. Nasya (nasal infusion), Tarpana (internal nourishment/oleation/administration of herbal oils and ghee), and oral rasayana (immunity boosting) Chinese medicine formula HB01
Refractive Errors Refractive errors include myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (distorted vision at all distances), and presbyopia that occurs between age 40–50 years N/A Atropine Nethradhara, Anjana, Aschotanam, Nasya Tharpanam, Ayurvedic Oral Medicines. N/A
Retinal detachment Retinal detachment is a separation or detachment of the retina from its underlying tissues that hold it in place within your eye. vitamin C, vitamin E (400 IU), beta-carotene along with zinc. NAPHTHALINUM 30, ARNICA MONTANA 30, AURUM METALLICUM 30, CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30, GELSEMIUM 30, DIGITALIS PURPUREA 30, JABORANDI 30. Netra Tarpan N/A
Presbyopia Presbyopia is the inability to focus over a range of vision. It’s often confused with farsightedness, but they are not the same conditions. Vitamins Natrum Mur Nasya karma (nasal infusion), Tarpana (oleation/administration of herbal oils or ghee), Anjana (Colliyrium). wolfberry, Cassiae Semen, Dendrobium huoshanense.
Eye floaters Eye floaters are clumps or deposits that float in your eye’s vitreous fluid (the clear, jelly-like substance in the middle of your eye). Physostigma Chelidonium HPUS 6x Nasya karma (nasal infusion) and Tarpana (oleation/administration of herbal oils or ghee), Anjana (Colliyrium) N/A
Eye tearing Eye tearing happens when your eyes produce more tears than can be drained. This can be from sensitivity to climate elements like wind, sun and temperature changes or to an eye infection or a blocked tear duct. N/A Euphrasia Sandalwood or Chandana Chi-Ju-Di-Huang-Wan (CJDHW)
Red Eyes Their surface is covered in blood vessels that expand when they’re irritated or infected. That gives your eyes the red look. N/A Apis mellifica netra tarpana (nourishment of eye through oleation/administering) with herbal oil or Ghrit (Ghee) N/A
Cross Eyes (Strabismus) and Nystagmus If your eyes aren’t lined up with each other when you look at something, you could have strabismus N/A Physostigma, Jaborandi, Cyclamen, Gelsemium, Natrum Mur, Ruta, Alumina, Cicuta, and Stramonium Strabismus (Squint) N/A
Colorblindness When you can’t see certain colors, or can’t tell the difference between them (usually reds and greens), you may be colorblind. It happens when the color cells in your eye (the doctor will call them cone cells) are absent or don’t work. N/A Belladonna, Carbn-S, Cina, Chlolarum Hydratum, Santoninum, and many other medicines. Medicines. Netravasti or Akshitarpana is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy. N/A
Uveitis This is the name for a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the uvea. That’s the middle layer of the eye that contains most of the blood vessels. multivitamin Mercurius Corrosivus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Phosphorus, Mercurius Solublis. Ayurveda bloodletting therapy along with Shirovirechana nasya and oral medicines Qinghuo Rougan Formula (QHRGF)
Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) In this condition, tissue that lines the back of your eyelids and covers your sclera gets inflamed. It can cause redness, itching, burning, tearing, discharge, or a feeling that something is in your eye. N/A Euphrasia, Argentum nitricum, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Sulphur, Apis mellifica. Granny Leaf, Chirchite paste, Nyem, Prajmoda juice, Chandi milk, Rose-paste, Tulsi, Trifal lotion, Triphala Churnais, Chandroyati Vati. N/A
Glaucoma N/A Vitamin E, Magnesium, Melatonin, Methylcabalamin. Phosphorus, Comocladia, Belladonna, Osmium, Physostigma, Prunus Spinosa, Cedron. Akishtarpana/Netravasti Acupuncture, Puerarin, Areca seed extract, Erycibe obtusifolia, Leonurus fruit, Plantago seed, Phragmites, Lepidium, Licorice.
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