Feet, Treatments


Problem/Disease Details Naturopath Medicine Homeopath Medicine Ayurvedic Medicine Chinese Medicine
Athlete’s foot Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found between the toes. However, the infection can spread and cause significant discomfort, itching, and even pain. OTC, Hydrogen peroxide, Tea tree oil, Neem oil, Rubbing alcohol, Garlic, Sea salt baths, Talcum powder. Thuja, Silicea, Baryta Carbonica, Nitric Acidum. Garlic, yougurt, Lemon, marigold. N/A
Diabetic neuropathy People with diabetes are more prone to fluctuations in blood sugar. Diabetic neuropathy is not one condition, but a group of conditions that cause damage to the feet due to diabetes. Cayenne pepper Gymnema Triphala Churna, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Chandraprabha. astragalus roots, radix paeoniae alba, cassia twigs, salvia miltiorrhiza, spatholobus stem, daemonorops draco, anemarrhena rhizome, mulberry twig, chaenomeles fruit, earthworms.
Plantar fasciitis The condition occurs when the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed. This ligament is responsible for supporting the foot’s arch. lavender oil Rhus tox, Ruta, calc flour, arnica, calcarea carb, silicea, calcarea phos. Abhyangam, valuka, Panchakarma, ishtika swedam. rehmannia root, achyranthes, eucommia, bighead atractylodes rhizome, rhizoma alismatis, angelica tail, stephania tetrandra, licorice, spatholobus stem, fructus evodiae, dried ginger, cassia twig, shiandra, draconis sanguis, myrrh, mastic.
Corns Corns are patches of thickened skin, often found on the soles of the feet or toes papaya, green figs, Indian Squill, Lemon. Antimonium crudum, Sulphur, Ferrum Pic, Nitic Acid, Hepar sulph, Silicea, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Lycopodium. Garlic clove, Turmeric paste, Vinegar, Baking soda. hemlock parsley, safflower, cortex lycii radicis, khosam.
Plantar Warts These tough growths form on the soles of the feet. You get them when a virus enters your body through broken skin. Apple cider vinegar, Salicylic acid, Tea tree oil, Milk thistle, iodine. Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum, Antimonium Crudum. Bhumi Amla, Neem, Amlaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Guduchi. N/A
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